White Rose Maths (part of the Trinity family of academies, schools and initiatives) is an organisation that brings together a team of highly experienced and passionate teachers and mathematicians who are committed to supporting pupils, teachers and parents with maths education. They offer extensive training, guidance, help and support with mathematics through in-depth training programmes for schools. In addition, they have a vast bank of schemes of learning with clear, practical resources, home-schooling videos and engaging workbooks all of which is mostly free.
Like White Rose Maths, we too believe in developing a culture of deep understanding, competence and confidence in maths and that this can be achieved by all. White Rose’s states: “Everyone Can Do Maths: Everyone Can!”.
This can be a reality when learners actively engage with maths and find it fun. To this end, Oakfield Learning has designed quality plavalmat® place value resources and manipulatives that are colour-matched to be used in conjunction with the White Rose Maths and Power Maths schemes to further enhance standards of teaching and learning to help children to master maths.
White Rose has taken the aims and learning objectives from the National Curriculum to create a framework which follows the ‘maths mastery approach’. A yearly overview shows how each maths ‘topic’ or programme of study has been logically sequenced, which is further broken down in to Autumn, Spring and Summer terms with weekly lesson-by-lesson overviews.
In each year group, the schemes start with a block on Place Value, which is followed by essential calculation skills that are needed in order for children to succeed in maths. By following a concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) approach, children develop a firm grounding in number so children can feel more confident in accessing the rest of the maths curriculum.
White Rose Maths schemes cover at least the expected content for each year group in the maths National Curriculum and they highlight where links are made to the DFE's Ready to Progress Criteria for each year group. From the end of Summer 2021, they will begin to release 'Firm Foundations' materials which will focus on some of the key ready-to-progress criteria to close any gaps by revising and deepening children's understanding of crucial maths areas.