Since September 2021, children in state-funded infant and primary schools undertake a statutory, standardised baseline assessment of each pupil within the first six weeks of them starting reception class.
Due to the disruption caused by Covid-19, this was delayed from the initial plans to introduce this in the Autumn of 2020.
The baseline assessments are carried out in order for schools to find out what a child's current knowledge and understanding is of key areas as they enter primary school: maths, language, communication and literacy (it does not assess all areas of learning in EYFS).
Educational professionals ask pupils to undertake simple tasks or make observations whilst children are doing activities and using resources. In maths these tasks involve early number, early calculation (involving early addition and subtraction), mathematical language and early understanding of shape.
This collected information can then help schools to:
- understand the needs of pupils and identify children who may benefit from additional support or those who show a greater ability or talent - this can inform teachers' planning
- discover each child's aptitude for learning and their potential
- have a 'snapshot' or starting point in which to measure the impact schools are making with their pupils and how well they are progress year on year
Children cannot 'pass' or 'fail' these assessments. Results of these baseline assessments are not published.
In the last term of Reception class, schools will report pupils' development and achievement in seven specific areas of learning which are taken from the Department for Education's EYFS profile (recently updated in 2021).
Children are assessed on 17 Early Learning Goals (ELGs) that cover all 7 areas of learning:
1. Communication and Language:
ELG: Listening, Attention and Understanding
ELG: Speaking
2. Physical Development:
ELG: Gross Motor Skills
ELG: Fine Motor Skills
3. Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
ELG: Self Regulation
ELG: Managing Self
ELG: Building Relationships
4. Literacy:
ELG: Comprehension
ELG: Word Reading
ELG: Writing
5. Mathematics:
ELG: Numbers
ELG: Numerical Patterns
6. Understanding the World:
ELG: Past and Present
ELG: People, Culture and Communities
ELG: The Natural World
7. Expressive Arts and Design:
ELG: Creating with Materials
ELG: Being Imaginative and Expressive
For more information about these, please click on the following links or see our Maths in EYFS section.
Click here to view the EYFS Statutory Framework for schools and child care providers
Click here to view the DfE guidance document for schools and teachers regarding changes to the EYFS framework in September 2021.
The EYFS profile summarises the attainment of each child at the end of Reception class. A child cannot 'pass' or 'fail', it simply informs parents/carers and teachers for each ELG if a child is either:
- EMERGING (EYFS GRADING 1)A child is not working at the level expected for their age
- EXPECTED (EYFS GRADING 2): A child is working at a level expected for their age
- EXCEEDING (EYFS GRADING 3): A child is working beyond the level expected for their age
If a child is still 'emerging' at the end of EYFS, more support will be given to this child in Year 1 to help them to catch up to the expected standard. This may involve 1:1 support or group intervention programmes.
A child who is 'exceeding' at the end of EYFS, should be provided with opportunities to be challenged and study areas of learning in a greater depth in Year 1.
As each child is different, it is possible for pupils to achieve a higher or lower standard in different areas depending on their talents, needs and ability.